A bunch of green curvy kale tied with twine on white background
Photo ID: ASC-AnastasiaNurullina_MarketProduce_4
Anastasia Nurullina / Addictive Stock Creatives
Photo size: 24.0 Mpixels (68.7 MB uncompressed) - 4000x6000 pixels (13.3x20 in / 33.9x50.8 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: agriculture, antioxidant, cabbage, closeup, cooking, cultivated, curly, diet, farming, fiber, food, fresh, freshness, garden, green, grown, healthy, healthy eating, horizontal, ingredient, kale, leaf, leaf vegetable, leafy, natural, nature, nobody, nourishment, organic, plant, raw, salad, vegetable, vegetarian, vitamin
Published in: Addictive Stock Creatives, All Images, Salads, Vegetarian, Healthy Foods, Ingredients, Vegetables