Unrecognizable crop cook with fork smashing baked pumpkin slices with fork placed on wooden cutting board in kitchen
Photo ID: ASC-LeireGamboa_PumpkinBread_1
Leire Gamboa / Addictive Stock Creatives
Photo size: 17.9 Mpixels (51.3 MB uncompressed) - 5184x3456 pixels (17.3x11.5 in / 43.9x29.3 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: appetizing, baked, board, chopping board, cook, cuisine, culinary, cut, cutting board, delectable, food, fresh, gourmet, grill, healthy, home, homemade, horizontal, ingredient, kitchen, meal, nutrition, orange, organic, palatable, piece, prepare, pumpkin, puree, recipe, slice, smash, soft, table, tasty, tradition, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian, vitamin, wooden, yummy
Published in: Addictive Stock Creatives, Vegetarian, Bakery and Breads, Healthy Foods, Ingredients, Vegetables