Delicious homemade bread with chocolate and banana flavor placed on wooden table in kitchen on black background
Photo ID: ASC-PimientaDulce_Bread_7
Pimienta Dulce / Addictive Stock Creatives
Photo size: 26.0 Mpixels (74.3 MB uncompressed) - 4160x6240 pixels (13.9x20.8 in / 35.2x52.8 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: appetizing, baked, bakery, banana, black background, blur, bread, chocolate, cocoa, cook, crunch, crust, cuisine, culinary, delectable, delicious, dessert, edible, flavor, food, fresh, gastronomy, gourmet, healthy, homemade, indoors, ingredient, kitchen, loaf, meal, natural, nutrition, organic, palatable, Pastry, piece, portion, product, recipe, rustic, serve, sweet, table, tasty, tradition, treat, vertical, wooden, yummy
Published in: Addictive Stock Creatives, Chocolate, Desserts, Bakery and Breads, Healthy Foods, Ingredients