Top view of homemade baked broken sweet chocolate brownie cookie with cracks and crumbs placed on white background in light kitchen
Photo ID: ASC-PimientaDulce_BrownieCookies_13
Pimienta Dulce / Addictive Stock Creatives
Photo size: 26.0 Mpixels (74.3 MB uncompressed) - 4160x6240 pixels (13.9x20.8 in / 35.2x52.8 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: appetizing, aromatic, baked, bakery, broken, brown, brownie, calorie, chocolate, confection, confectionery, cookie, Crack, crumb, cuisine, culinary, delectable, delicious, dessert, domestic, flavor, food, fresh, from above, gastronomy, high angle, home, homemade, indulge, inside, kitchen, marble, overhead, palatable, Pastry, piece, snack, sugar, sweet, table, tasty, top view, treat, vertical, white background, yummy