Wooden table with slices of zucchini and bowl of panko crumbs for making delicious starter.
Photo ID: ASC-PatriciaGarcia_Pan_rallado2
Patricia Garcia / Addictive Stock Creatives
Photo size: 24.2 Mpixels (69.1 MB uncompressed) - 4016x6016 pixels (13.4x20.1 in / 34x50.9 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: appetizer, arrangement, board, cooking, Crumbs, cuisine, delicious, dietary, dinner, food, fresh, green, healthy, homemade, ingredients, Lunch, meal, natural, nutritious, organic, panko, preparation, process, products, raw, recipe, rustic, slices, snack, table, towel, traditional, uncooked, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian, vertical, wooden, zucchini